Friday, February 29, 2008

Week of February 29 News

Well this has been a good week for me, first i see the new ironman trailer yesterday and its a must see. it looks up to par with the x-men and spider-man series. plus i bought 30 days of night. i can't say enough about my anticipation for this next years line up of comic book adaptaions. My top five: 1.Watchmen(2009?)
2.The Dark Knight
4.Punnisher: War Zone
5.Incredible Hulk
In Gaming Metal Gear Solid 4 got a release date June 12, 08 :) and the pre-order perk rocks too, you pre-order it and get a dvd with a franchise recap and a beta code(YAY). and that about wraps it up it think? if i find anything else tonight or tomorrow i will post again.

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