Friday, February 29, 2008

Week of February 29 News

Well this has been a good week for me, first i see the new ironman trailer yesterday and its a must see. it looks up to par with the x-men and spider-man series. plus i bought 30 days of night. i can't say enough about my anticipation for this next years line up of comic book adaptaions. My top five: 1.Watchmen(2009?)
2.The Dark Knight
4.Punnisher: War Zone
5.Incredible Hulk
In Gaming Metal Gear Solid 4 got a release date June 12, 08 :) and the pre-order perk rocks too, you pre-order it and get a dvd with a franchise recap and a beta code(YAY). and that about wraps it up it think? if i find anything else tonight or tomorrow i will post again.

About Me

Well if my "About me" section didn't say enough then I will fill in the blanks, My name is Cory, i live in Taber Alberta Canada, i currently live at home in an attempt to save money (i lived with my girlfriend for a year prior), which didn't go as i planned. i ended up buying a new(er) car. i used to drive a 92 cavalier(p.o.s.) whick died on me during distant trips. i bought a new computer (dell xps 1330) but i am not typing on that right now cause it went defective. and with getting a new car came insurance which is holding me back from moving out for the next six years unless i get a loan but no one wants to help me out and co-sign for one, whatever. So i moved back home as did my girlfriend, we are both from Taber. so i got a job at McCain foods which isnt bad 12hr shifts 4days on 4days off, good pay tho and i like my job. 12 hours in a freezer just me and another guy not bad, when i started it sucked i worked with this dbag who thought he was king shit in there and me not knowing about much believed him and did as he said until he started taking advantage of me hardcore sometimes telling me to do something and the leaving the freezer to go sit in the lunch room for a few hours. he later got fired for missing a week of work and acting completely oblivious to the time off request forms lol. i later took over as operator and enjoy it. I just celebrated my 3 year anniversary with my girlfriend Kelly, we started dating when we worked at the local McDonalds together, and ended up getting pretty serious since then, she went to college during my senior year of high school and when i graduated we moved to Lethbridge together. around august i got the oppertunity to transfer back to taber and both her and i got fed up with never having money we decided to move back home and save but it turned out harder for me than anything else. kelly had he car stolen in lethbridge and was insured and got money from her grandparents to buy a new car and then jellousy set in and i wanted a new car and figured i was making enough to buy one. sure enough with help from my parents and luck i got a 04 civic. its not bad but the insurance makes me regret getting it. but fortunatly i am stuck for 6 years building my credit and paying for a car. my hobbies include gaming hardcore. nuff said lol, i own the latest hardware and most of my favorite games. i like to get my self known as a gamer and have participated in a few mentionables. i listen to a podcast that is very well know to the xbox community, and i have had many questions read on air i have has my voice on air as well a few times. i watch g4 tv lots and got on their stickcam live audience as only filler but i was still on american tv lol. my gaming achievements are few but noteable, i bought gears of war and played on emergance day and placed 21st on the world leaderboard of at the time was over 100,000 people. i managed to find the lead designer CliffyB's girlfriend's gamertag and played with her and someone who to this day i am still convinced was Cliff but i will never know for sure. but thats it for now and my fingers are sore so i will post back on a later day.