Thursday, May 8, 2008

Long time no blog

Well i has been a while since my last entry, i have given up xbox 360 and stuck with ps3 i like it and gta rocks i have taken up paintballin lol , fun fun anyways i dont have much to say so ya.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Wisdom Teeth Pt.2 Post-Op

Well it went much better then i thought and i am feeling good. the only bad part is i cant eat regular food. it wasn't as bad as people claimed. then again i guess i was one of the ones who handled it good.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Wisdom Teeth Pt.1-PreOp

I am calm yet terrified. tomorrow i have to get my wisdom teeth out and it wont be pretty. i went to the dentist about six months ago and had a cavity in my only exposed wisdom tooth, my dentist being the quick fix prick he is told me to get them out instead of giving me a filling. i have talked to many people about it and have heard mixed stories, some were awake for the procedure and said it was uncomfortable for a few days and thats it and others tell me it was the most unbareable pain and my girlfriend being among those who were in pain. then again Kelly has a low pain tollerance and me a very high tollerance. i will post again tomorrow for the post-op. Wish me luck :(

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Well i want to talk about Silent Hill for a bit, i love the survival horror genre and this is one of the series i follow, i havn't been a fan since the beginning but i think i started at good time. I started liking it when i saw the movie in theatres. and i worked at the video store and we had silent hill four so i decided to get it and give it a try. i loved it and have been obsessed with the series since and to be a collector of the series is actually pretty cheap. so i bought the movie and couldnt find the games anywhere close to where i lived. 5 months ago i was in medicine hat and i found both silent hill 2 and 4 for xbox and claimed them as mine. i reciently bought silent hill origins and finished it last night and also recieved silent hill the original for ps1 from ebay yesterday as well, and am currently working on that. I am so facinated with the series because of the scary atmosphere and the twisted nature. The story has somewhat the same qualities throughout the games. SH: Origins is about a trucker named Travis who stumbles upon the town of silent hill and uncovers his mysterious past and discovers that when he was a boy his dad took him to Silent Hill to stay at a motel, meanwhile his dad was going through major psychological issues from the loss of his wife and later hangs himself in the room they were staying in and leaves Travis to discover his body. Travis fights his demons and saves a little girl in the meantime. SH1 and the film adaptation are almost one and the same but claim they arn't linked, i am 3 hrs into the game and have noticed many moments from the film, it makes me kinda mad cause the only differences are the characters, in the film the mother is the main character and the daughter's name is sharron and the game have the father as the main character and the daughter's name is cheryl. i dont think i will ever get hollywood. SH2 tho i havn't played more than and hour has the story of a widower getting a letter from his dead wife telling him to come to silent hill. and 3 and 4 being completely off the map for storylines. the major theme is the characters relation with silent hill and the creatures are made by the characters past in some ways. in conclusion I LOVE SILENT HILL! lol

Monday, March 3, 2008


I GOT MY COMPUTER BACK!!!!! yay thats all...............

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Income Tax

Well its that time of the year and T4's are out and the working class folk march off to do their taxes. well i sorta did my taxes last year, meaning i went to file them and found out i owed money so said screw it. but this year i had to file them cause there was the potential of money coming my way. but to my suprise i got a small fraction of what was to be a nice chunk of money. which really sucks. but now i guess i cant get my hopes up anymore for tax time or just in the future count on less than half of what is expected.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Week of February 29 News

Well this has been a good week for me, first i see the new ironman trailer yesterday and its a must see. it looks up to par with the x-men and spider-man series. plus i bought 30 days of night. i can't say enough about my anticipation for this next years line up of comic book adaptaions. My top five: 1.Watchmen(2009?)
2.The Dark Knight
4.Punnisher: War Zone
5.Incredible Hulk
In Gaming Metal Gear Solid 4 got a release date June 12, 08 :) and the pre-order perk rocks too, you pre-order it and get a dvd with a franchise recap and a beta code(YAY). and that about wraps it up it think? if i find anything else tonight or tomorrow i will post again.